I can tel you how it is when the pain clinc that you where going to is closed down......Locked down where know one can get
help. The doctor that I was going to went to another state. First thing I went into shock & Depression. Then we started
to look for another Pain Doctor. We met some good drs, and a lot of bad ones. I didn't know what to do or where to go next.
Then one day I was at Symms Murphy waiting for my pump to be filled by my neuroligest ( Dr. Write ), and I was talking to my husband about what we were going to do, and of course I started to cry. Dr. Wright came in while I was crying and asked me what was wrong and I told him that I could not get anyone to take me as a patient in their pain clinic. He went outside for a few minutes and came back in, to tell me that he would now be my Pain Dr.. You can't believe the relief I felt. Now I have all my doctors at Baphist East in Germantown, Memphis, TN. That way if someting happenes they can be called in very easily to work with the other doctors. I can only pray that this never happens to you or your family. I can tell you that there is a light at the end of the tunnel,but sometimes it take a while to see it. How to do to find the doctors you need: 1)First get a top notch Internal Doctor. He will make sure all your drugs are safe for you, and may make changes in what you are talking, if it could cause a bad side effect. Also most of the other doctors give you the script the first, but want you to have the internal doctor to take over the meds. 2)Pain Doctor to take care of your pain. 3)Try to get your doctors in one area, so that you can go to the same hospital. It will work better in long run if you do! Believe me this has happened to me more than you could quess. Lets take an overview: The Internal Meds. Doctor is in the middle of a circle. With all the other doctors on the out side of the circle. If you think like this you'll never be in a position where one of your doctors is not able to go to the hospital that you use. Believe that can cause a nightmare. |